Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 748

Chapter 748


Then the car ran into the traffic.

With her eyes fixed on the path ahead, Sabrina gently said to her backseat passenger, Jennie, if youre sleepy, feel free to nap here in the car.

Jennie protested, But Im wide awake!

Sabrina was at a Loss for words.

She glanced at Jennie through the rearview mirror. Jennies eyes sparkled, not showing a trace of fatigue, as she grinned back at


Fiona smiled helplessly, knowing that she was pretending just now. So, where do you want to go next? Or should we just head home?

Id Like to see the cat.

Alright, home it is.

Once they arrived at Sabrinas place, Jennie dashed off in search of Bun, the cat.

Sabrina, meanwhile, rinsed some fruit and laid out a variety of snacks on the table.

Noticing the two untouched coffee cups, Sabrina was reminded of Jennies mischief. She called out softly, Jennie, come over here.

Jennie, engrossed in her play with the cat, paused to glance at Sabrina. Sensing the change in her mood, she knew she would be scolded.

She felt guilty and put on her most innocent face. Yes. Whats wrong?

Come here.

But Im with Bun right now.

Jennie couldnt keep up the act and approached with a slightly lowered head. Did I do something wrong?

Sabrina pulled up the chat history between her and Trevor, displaying it prominently on the table, saying, Would you like to explain this?

With a cheeky twirl of her finger, Jennie whispered, You had me place the order.

Sabrina poked her bulging belly and said, Jennie! You should know how much you can eat! How could you order so much? Huh?

Jennie reclined on the sofa, almost lying down. Well, I just wanted to eat those dishes.

